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About the Author
Richard Hurlburt led a small law firm for 20 years, litigating tenant rights and real estate cases in SF, mostly eviction defense and affirmative cases for wrongful eviction. He specialized in tenant right-to-purchase cases, which he found personally rewarding. During the great recession he did lots of foreclosure defense for homeowners and post-foreclosure eviction defense for former homeowners and tenants. That included litigation against banks and some notorious flippers who bought at trustee sales and were always trying to evict the residents.
About 10 years ago, Richard shifted focus to representing tenant’s buying their units, as well as non-profits such as the San Francisco CLT buying apartment buildings under the City’s Small Sites loan program–and so far he has brokered about 50 of these types of acquisitions. Richard advised on the drafting of San Francisco’s Community Opportunity to Purchase Act–or COPA–and is somewhat an authority on the law.
In 2020, it was Richard’s idea about empowering tenants and nonprofits to purchase at trustee sales that Bay Area Senator Nancy Skinner adopted and wrote into her bill, SB 1079. Since then, Richard has been participating with the California CLT Network on SB 1079 and FIHPP matters, and advising or representing tenants and CLTs bidding at trustee sales. He also partnered previously with Sustainable Economies Law Center on a training regarding how tenants bid at trustee sales.
Sandra McNeill
Renetta Sitoy