In 2023, The CA CLT Network is looking to build on our achievements in 2021 (creation of the FIHPP program) and 2022 (passage of three bills supporting community ownership) through new legislation and budget advocacy. We have identified strategies that build towards our ultimate goals of
– Reducing obstacles to the development and growth of community land trusts in the state.
– Stopping the market-driven displacement of low-income and BIPOC households.
– Transitioning housing and other land uses into community ownership structures to increase stability, ownership, and self-direction of low-income and BIPOC households.
We need your help!
Take action to support CALCTN’s Sponsored Bill: AB 430
AB 430 will clarify language championed by CACLTN in 2022’s AB1206 that allows CLT rental buildings to maintain the property tax Welfare Exemption when renters’ incomes rise. Also, it clarifies the definition of community land trust in the CA Revenue and Tax Code to make it conform with current CLT practices. Read the Fact Sheet.
1) Download our template letter here: https://www.cacltnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/AB-430-Organizational-Support-Template.doc
2) Personalize your letter
3) Submit it to the State legislation portal ASAP by going to this link: https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/ and selecting both committees when prompted
Take action to support CALCTN’s Sponsored Bill: AB 671
AB 671 will make sure that CLTs are able to create new homeownership opportunities for lower income families by using CalHome funds to develop accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Check out our fact sheet here.
1) Download our template letter here: For supporting organizations, for supporting individuals
2) Personalize your letter
3) Submit it to the State legislation portal ASAP by going to this link: https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/ and selecting “Housing and Community Development” when prompted
And CACLTN is supporting a set of transformative bills. Please take a look below and join the support letters.
SB 225: Community Anti-Displacement & Preservation Program (CAPP) – Sen. Caballero and Asm. Haney
This proposal would fund the acquisition of currently unsubsidized affordable rental housing, enabling mission-driven organizations, including CLTs, to purchase these buildings and preserve them as affordable. A $500 million investment in the program could create 4,000 to 4,500 deed-restricted units. SB 225: CAPP Fact Sheet. Support Letter.
SB 555: Social Housing Bill – Asm. Wahab
California needs a ten-year plan to grow its nascent social housing sector to the scale needed. This bill would define social housing, set 5- and 10-year goals, create a Social Housing Fund, and charge the Department of Housing and Community Development with creating a plan to achieve the state’s social housing goals, both through acquisition of existing housing and production of new social housing.
Fact Sheet. Support Letter.
AB 919: Stable Homes Act (TOPA/COPA Bill) – Asm. Kalra; Sponsors: CA Reinvestment Coalition, Housing CA, Public Advocates
The Stable Homes Act would establish a statewide policy, giving tenants, local public agencies, and mission-driven nonprofits the first opportunity to purchase rental housing properties when owners put those properties up for sale, and a right to match an offer on those properties made by a third party, helping to keep families in their homes and preserve at-risk rental housing on the market as permanently affordable. Stable Homes Act Fact Sheet. Support Letter.
SB 594: LLC Owner Transparency – Asm. Durazo; Sponsor: CA Reinvestment Coalition, Unite Here! Local 11
This bill would establish owner transparency for businesses and property in California by amending the registration process for Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to require the owner or a person(s) with substantial control of the corporation to provide their name(s). In addition, existing entities will be required to update their information on file with the office of the Secretary of State.
Why: Most first-time homebuyers are outbid by LLCs paying in cash. Renters continue to be displaced by a faceless web of LLCs, even as landlords have and use the personal information of renters. The more we know about who the property owners are, the easier it is to protect against eviction and displacement and to promote homeownership for families, not corporations. Fact sheet. Support Letter.
ACA1 – Asm. Aguiar Curry
ACA 1 will lower the necessary voter threshold from a two-thirds supermajority to 55 percent to approve local general obligation (GO) bonds and special taxes for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects. Fact sheet.
AB 84 – Asm. Ward
Allows property owners to receive the welfare property tax exemption at the time of purchase for land developed and used for low-income housing beginning in the 2024-25 fiscal year, saving affordable housing financing costs up front. Mandates that assessors respond to welfare exemption applications in a timely manner.
SB 584 – Sen. Limon; Sponsor: Building Trades Council
This bill would impose a fee on short term rentals to support “laborforce housing,” whose definition is identical to the definition of “social housing” in SB 555. Would include nonprofit and government housing, including CLT housing. SB 555 (social housing study bill) and this bill are complementary.