2021 CA CLT Network Membership Meeting
June 25th, 2021, 3:30pm
This year, CA CLT Network will be dividing it’s annual gathering into two pieces:
On June 25th, we will hold a virtual annual membership meeting where the board will report out on events of the year, the members will conduct board elections, and we will consider some critical decisions for the operations of the network.
In the fall of 2021, CACLTN will convene an in-person gathering which will be devoted to strategic planning, discussion of core principles, and policy priorities. More info on this event will be shared over the summer.
Please join us June 25th, 2021 for our annual CA CLT Network membership meeting.
Time: 3:30-5:30pm June 25th, 2021
Where: On Zoom! Register in advance for this meeting here https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEld-CqrjgoGdyb_F2lt0LZo9ORHdGul6ut. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the zoom link and passcode needed to join the meeting.
Interpretation: Spanish interpretation will be available
Who should attend? Members, staff, and board of Voting Member organizations of CACLTN are invited to attend. Each organization will have identified a voting representative in their membership renewal submission – attendance of that individual is especially important since they will be casting votes on behalf of their org.
2021-CACLTN-Membership-Meeting-Agenda Español-2021-CACLTN-Membership-Meeting-AgendaAnd for background information on the proposal that CACLTN incorporate a sister 501(c)4 organization to help us continue to build our legislative advocacy work, please see this memo:
CACLTN-C4-doc SP-CACLTN-c4-prez-To view the slides from our annual Board Report to the membership please use the links below: